Special & Seasonal Worship Opportunities at First Lutheran Church
Christmas Eve
We celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with two worship services on Christmas Eve.
5:30 PM
A service of Light…the light has shined in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.
Join us for your favorite Christmas Hymns, the Proclamation of the Word made Flesh – Jesus Christ, the Celebration
of Holy Communion and a Christmas Candle lighting as we sing Silent Night, Holy Night.
We celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with two worship services on Christmas Eve.
5:30 PM
A service of Light…the light has shined in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.
Join us for your favorite Christmas Hymns, the Proclamation of the Word made Flesh – Jesus Christ, the Celebration
of Holy Communion and a Christmas Candle lighting as we sing Silent Night, Holy Night.
The Season of Lent
The latin word Lent means “spring” and it is the time of year when we move out of the cold and bitter of winter and into the new life of spring. The 40 days of Lent begin with Ash Wednesday and are the 40 days leading to the Resurrection of our Lord on Easter Sunday morning (note that the 40 days do not include Sundays which are always a celebration of Jesus‟ resurrection). Lent is traditionally a time for reflection on one‟s life and faith. Here at First Lutheran we observe the season of Lent with the following worship opportunities.
The latin word Lent means “spring” and it is the time of year when we move out of the cold and bitter of winter and into the new life of spring. The 40 days of Lent begin with Ash Wednesday and are the 40 days leading to the Resurrection of our Lord on Easter Sunday morning (note that the 40 days do not include Sundays which are always a celebration of Jesus‟ resurrection). Lent is traditionally a time for reflection on one‟s life and faith. Here at First Lutheran we observe the season of Lent with the following worship opportunities.
This day begins the season of Lent. During this service we will receive the imposition of ashes as we confess our sins remembering that no matter what has happened in our lives we have been chosen, claimed and made new creations in Jesus Christ. Then we will celebrate the forgiveness of our sins through the sacrament of Holy Communion. The service begins at 5:30 PM and all are welcome.
This day begins the season of Lent. During this service we will receive the imposition of ashes as we confess our sins remembering that no matter what has happened in our lives we have been chosen, claimed and made new creations in Jesus Christ. Then we will celebrate the forgiveness of our sins through the sacrament of Holy Communion. The service begins at 5:30 PM and all are welcome.
Holy Week
Is the title given to the week before Easter. It is the holiest season of the year for Christians as we follow the drama from Palm Sunday to Maundy Thursday to Good Friday and the Sunday of the Resurrection – Easter.
Passion/Palm Sunday
Here we read and listen to the story of Jesus' last days and his journey to the cross, his crucifixion and burial.
Good Friday Service - 5:30 pm
Is the title given to the week before Easter. It is the holiest season of the year for Christians as we follow the drama from Palm Sunday to Maundy Thursday to Good Friday and the Sunday of the Resurrection – Easter.
Passion/Palm Sunday
Here we read and listen to the story of Jesus' last days and his journey to the cross, his crucifixion and burial.
Good Friday Service - 5:30 pm
At First Lutheran all are welcome to the Table of Jesus.
Service of Resurrection – Easter Sunday
On Easter morning we will proclaim “The Lord is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!” Join us for the celebration of Jesus victory of life over death remembering all God has done for us in this service of praise, Word, Sacrament and Alleluias.
On Easter morning we will proclaim “The Lord is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!” Join us for the celebration of Jesus victory of life over death remembering all God has done for us in this service of praise, Word, Sacrament and Alleluias.
Other Special Services
Weddings: Contact the Pastor
Baptisms: Contact the Pastor about receiving the sacrament of Holy Baptism for yourself or a child.
Confirmation: We celebrate the Rite of Confirmation on Pentecost Sunday which is usually in May.
Funerals: At a person‟s death, we share the grief of those who mourn. At the funeral we give voice to sorrow, thank God for our loved one, and entrust our companion into the hands of God.
Please contact the Pastor about Christian funeral and memorial services.
Healing: During the season of Lent on Maundy Thursday we offer a service of healing. During this time each person is invited to receive the laying on of hands and anointing of oil with prayer for healing.
Reformation: On the final Sunday of October we join with millions of protestant Christians throughout the world in the celebration of Martin Luther‟s nailing of the 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany in 1517.
This Sunday is also “First Communion” Sunday for our young people who have gone through First Communion instruction with the Pastor. Each of these children also receives a Bible at this time in remembrance of their parents‟ promise to „place in their hands holy scripture‟. Contact the Pastor if you would like your child to receive Holy Communion instruction.
Weddings: Contact the Pastor
Baptisms: Contact the Pastor about receiving the sacrament of Holy Baptism for yourself or a child.
Confirmation: We celebrate the Rite of Confirmation on Pentecost Sunday which is usually in May.
Funerals: At a person‟s death, we share the grief of those who mourn. At the funeral we give voice to sorrow, thank God for our loved one, and entrust our companion into the hands of God.
Please contact the Pastor about Christian funeral and memorial services.
Healing: During the season of Lent on Maundy Thursday we offer a service of healing. During this time each person is invited to receive the laying on of hands and anointing of oil with prayer for healing.
Reformation: On the final Sunday of October we join with millions of protestant Christians throughout the world in the celebration of Martin Luther‟s nailing of the 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany in 1517.
This Sunday is also “First Communion” Sunday for our young people who have gone through First Communion instruction with the Pastor. Each of these children also receives a Bible at this time in remembrance of their parents‟ promise to „place in their hands holy scripture‟. Contact the Pastor if you would like your child to receive Holy Communion instruction.